Research in Settler Colonial Contexts: a conversation on Palestine

Episode Summary

In this episode, CRSP Steering Committee member Nuha Dwaikat-Shaer brings together colleagues Ron Smith and Omar Jabary Salamanca to have a conversation about research in settler colonial contexts, with a focus on Palestine. In this conversation Nuha, Omar and Ron talk about why terminology can have important implications for the effectiveness of research in places like Palestine. We also dive into both the challenges and opportunities they’ve come across doing field work in settler colonial contexts.

Episode Notes

Executive Producer for this episode is:

Nuha Dwaikat-Shaer is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is also a Steering Committee member at the  Centre for Research on Security Practices. She recently completed her PhD at the School of Social Work at McGill University. Her research focuses on space and housing rights and how that's affected by settler colonial practices. Her broad research agenda focuses on access to social services for racial minorities in settler colonial contexts, rooted in a commitment to human rights and social justice.

Guests for this episode include: 

Ron Smith is an Associate Professor of International Relations at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Much of his work is focused on Palestine, The West Bank and Gaza. 

Omar Jabary Salamanca 

 is a Research Fellow and Co-Director Of The Observatory Of The Arab and Muslim Worlds at the University of Bristol in Belgium. His research and teaching focus on questions of Political Geography, Political Economy and Political Ecology In Settler Colonial Contexts.